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Kelly MacCallum

Conquering the Sunday Scaries – How Employers can Support Employee Mental Health

Updated: Jan 22

It's Sunday night, you're hitting the sheets, and all of a sudden - there it is. It hits you like a hammer.

The Sunday Scaries.

It's that feeling you get as your head hits the pillow, and sends your heart racing and mind spinning. It puts a serious dent in your sleep plans. This sense of dread sets in as the weekend ends and you start thinking about returning to work.

Let the ruminating begin.

In psychology they call it anticipatory anxiety, and it's a real thing. This anticipation of what will come puts people in fight or flight mode. Your adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys and release adrenaline and cortisol - the stress hormones that flood your system and create a stress reaction.

According to a LinkedIn survey, 80 percent of professionals say they experience the Sunday Scaries, with over 90 percent of Millennials and Gen Z reporting they feel it.

With more and more workplaces focusing on health and wellness in their efforts to support employees, it would stand to reason that we'd talk openly about it and try to support employees through it. The benefits to the organization are plentiful - and supporting employees is just the right thing to do.

But what's an employer to do?

Here are 10 strategies that you can implement to provide your employees with Sunday free stress.

1. Flexible Work Arrangements

Offer flexible work options, such as remote work or flexible hours, to give employees more control over their schedules. This can alleviate the stress of a rigid Monday-to-Friday routine.

2. Encourage Work-Life Balance

Emphasize the importance of work-life balance and lead by example. Encourage employees to disconnect from work outside of office hours and use their weekends for relaxation and personal activities.

3. Provide Mental Health Resources

Offer access to mental health resources like counseling or employee assistance programs. Make sure employees know they can seek help when dealing with stress and anxiety. Ensure your benefits program offers generous allowances for mental health professionals.

4. Clear Communication

Maintain transparent communication about work expectations and deadlines. Ensure employees are well-informed about their responsibilities, so they don't spend their weekends worrying about what lies ahead.

5. Recognition and Rewards

Recognize and reward employees for their hard work and achievements. Feeling appreciated can boost morale and make employees look forward to the workweek.

6. Professional Development Opportunities

Offer opportunities for skill development and career advancement. When employees see a path forward, they may feel more positive about their work.

7. Team Building and Supportive Culture

Foster a sense of camaraderie among team members. Encourage team building activities and create a supportive, inclusive workplace where employees feel valued.

8. Stress Management Programs

Implement stress management programs like mindfulness workshops or yoga classes to help employees cope with anxiety.

9. Empowerment and Autonomy

Give employees autonomy in decision-making and project management. Feeling in control of their work can reduce anxiety.

10. Regular Check-Ins

Conduct regular one-on-one meetings to check in with employees, address concerns, and provide feedback. This open dialogue can help alleviate worries.

By implementing these strategies, your company can create a more supportive and employee-centered work environment, ultimately helping your team overcome the Sunday Scaries and promoting their well-being.

Remember, investing in your employees' mental health and work-life balance not only improves their job satisfaction but also contributes to higher productivity and a happier, more motivated workforce.

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